20,438 acres
The bill would double the size of the existing Mount Sneffels Wilderness. This would finally place all of Mount Sneffels itself within the wilderness (now the boundary is on the peak’s summit) and completes wilderness designation for one of the most recognizable mountain scenes in Colorado. The wilderness addition is bounded on the south by the Camp Bird Mine Road, which leads to Yankee Boy Basin, and leaves outside the wilderness other four-wheel-drive routes popular during summer months.
Near Telluride, the Last Dollar/Sheep Creek addition incorporates the entirety of Mill Creek Basin into the wilderness, and the Last Dollar addition extends the wilderness boundary west out to the Last Dollar Road. These add lower aspen-blanketed slopes to the wilderness. Popular mountain biking trails like Deep Creek and Waterline are outside the wilderness.
See detailed map for Whitehouse Mountain addition.
See detailed map for Last Dollar addition.
Photo: Jack Brauer